When the popularization of the Internet and its regular use began in the 90’s, few people imagined that it would be such a crucial part of our modern society. Today there are more than 286 million Americans using the internet every day, and 200 million of them have a Facebook account or another social network presence. As an integral part of almost every American’s life, the internet has entered our homes and we carry it with us on our cell phones wherever we go. Knowing this, it would be negligent for any company; whether if sells products or offers services, to ignore the potential of the tools created by Digital Marketing to reach their customer base.
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital Marketing is the collection of conventional marketing strategies; such as radio, television and print media campaigns, combined with the new marketing strategies of the new information age in which we live; positioning and presence in social networks, blogs, web pages and online search engines. All of this helps the company bringing it closer to the customer, creating a greater and better presence in the market and increasing its capital.
How does Digital Marketing achieve its goals?
Among the many benefits offered by Digital Marketing, the main ones will always be the capability to boost sales through the increase in the exposure of the brand, and the better communication with its target market. When a company places an ad, billboard, poster or conventional advertising campaign, its exposure is limited to the physical terms of that marketing technique to convey such information; how many people are transiting in that area, how many are listening to the radio or watching their TVs at the moment, or how many receive a brochure or pamphlet. Digital Marketing techniques do not face such a limitation. An advertisement on the internet has more exposure in a day than traditional print media, has potential to be turned viral by the same users, and all for a fraction of the cost of its competitors. Not to mention, that a Digital Marketing campaign is not usually based on simple ads.
What can Digital Marketing offer businesses?
Among the tools of Digital Marketing, there is a clear differentiation between the two types of services that it can offer:
Marketing 1.0: includes all advertising and marketing techniques from traditional marketing but maximized, not only to reach a greater number of users but also to hit the target market.
- Ads, both in image and video and multimedia
- Advertising campaigns
- Spots and mentions on high traffic websites (blogs, websites, etc.)
Marketing 2.0: represents innovative techniques of Digital Marketing that, in addition to increasing the exposure and popularity of the company, allow it to establish a direct communication with the clients, turning the customer experiences public, and transforming them not only into customers but also into advertising vectors.
- Presence and management of accounts in social networks
- Ranking in web search engines (SEO Optimization)
- Multi-channel communications with customers
- Creation and management of dedicated communities (Forums, client portfolio, etc.)
Is Digital Marketing the Right Choice?
If the objective of the company is to grow and consolidate the market share owned by their product or service, then the answer is, YES. Every day fewer Americans read the newspaper, watch TV or listen to the radio, it’s the duty of companies and businesses to follow and take advantage of this new paradigm that seeks to transfer part of the power of choice and opinion, from the producers and suppliers towards the final consumer, using for this, Digital Marketing.D